Read and ponder:
Americans are "downbeat about today. Upbeat about tomorrow," says the latest USA Today/Gallup Poll. "Americans feel battered by hard times, record home foreclosures, stubbornly high unemployment rates and war."
And yes, we are "fed up with Washington and convinced more than 3 to 1 that the nation is heading in the wrong direction," yet there's "confidence that there will be better times ahead, that the classic American dream endures and hasn't been extinguished. It's not even at its low ebb." Why? Because we're in denial!
Do Main Street's 95 million investors know something Warren Buffett's long-time partner, Charlie Munger, doesn't know? Munger is warning us "It's Over" for America. Yes, "o-v-e-r," America's in decline, at the end-of-days, coming to "financial ruin," says Munger.
I think he is right! How did we get here? Greed of bankers who know nothing other than making money using usury.
In the past economy seemed to be doing OK solely due to credit inflation that FED has fostered. FED made it easy to borrow. America borrowed and spent. When we borrow money, banks create new money and give it to us. They do not lend existing money. Here is how banks create money.
Why does it matter? Well, all of our money supply is bank credit. It is borrowed money. It needs to be paid back as principal + interest. The interest portion is not even created yet. Borrowing MUST increase exponentially so that principal+interest amount exists in the economy so that people can earn it and pay back what they owe. What happens when borrowing stops? Deflationary crash occurs. Debt problem:
FED and the US government are running a ponzi scheme that is about to stop now. There is a limit to how much people can borrow. To make it last what did they do? They allowed people to deduct mortgage interest from income tax. That made mortgage more attractive. So people borrowed more and injected new money into the economy. This new money makes the current administration look good. In fact, they guarantee a future bankruptcy but who cares. As long as they get re-elected...
Government talked about the American Dream and Affordable Housing. Now home prices are becoming affordable, but instead of celebrating, they are scared to death, they are trying to inflate prices again. Why? Now you know why. But it won't work. Home prices are down, sales volume is down. After prime borrowers were exhausted, they changed the rules to allow sub-prime borrowers get big mortgages. Now sub-prime is exhausted and the crash has started. 8K tax credit won't work. Home prices must increase exponentially to sustain a recovery. People must borrow HUGE amounts to provide new money to the economy. Who is gonna do that??? Here is why FED's easy money policy does not work beyond some point:
Where does that leave us? It leaves us at the top of the greatest bubble ever! What ever you do, make sure you do not take on more debt! Pay off existing debt! If you have existing savings in cash or cash equivalents such as short term US treasuries you should be fine for a few years. At the bottom of depression you may have to jump out of US dollars if FED freaks out and really prints money!
All of the prices, and salaries you see around you were based on inflated credit that happened over 50 years. It is based on a money supply that is almost entirely bank credit. People borrowed and borrowed and spent. The amount of money borrowed reached sky high. You earned in good times! Now, it is reversing course!
Deflation is here!
There is nothing FED can do about it. Credit inflation happened last 50 years. The bubble is inflated. The cause is in place, the effect will follow. It will deflate. For inflation to happen, all of the following must happen:
1. FED makes credit available. [Yes they do]
2. Banks must lend. [No they don't, because they don't think they will get their money back]
3. Borrowers must borrow. [No they don't, because they don't think they can pay it back]
4. Consumers must spend extravagantly and chase too few products with too much money. [Consumer is a saver now]
The best thing you can do now is to pay off debt and become debt free, because it will get harder and harder to make money in an economy where the total money supply is shrinking at record speed. M1, M2 does not matter. The bulk of the money supply is bank credit! 95% of our money is borrowed money. It has principal + interest to pay back. So, we have the principal since we borrowed it. Where will the interest portion come from so that we can earn it and pay it back??? It does not exist! It is a ponzi scheme. The music has stopped! In a credit based monetary system, we must keep borrowing or the economy will stop. That is what is happening. It is called deflation. The money supply is deflating. When there is 10 times less money in the system, it will be impossible to keep the current prices and salaries at the current levels. Pay off debt now and be debt free. Get ready for days where there is no money to be earned!
Stocks are over valued by wide margin. Prices are based on credit inflation of 50 years. It is like South Sea bubble! Stocks can crash and not come back for 100 years!
You are so MORE than correct. I work in health care.. LET ME TELL you! One of Maines LARGEST hospitals is firing left and right for every tiny infraction that can be plausable. Better to fire than lay off personal $$ wise. Other hospitals in and around the state are either doing the same thing or are laying off. Hundreds of people around maine have LOST thier jobs .. even working in the health care areana! Things are worse.. much worse than anyone had or could have ever imagined. Just the god's honest truth!
ReplyDeleteDan Viger
Hollis Center Maine
we never really practiced CAPITALISM. The essence of Capitalism is allowing businesses to fail. Our govt has tried to PROP UP failed businesses and delay the inevitable. This entire stock market rally since Marcy 09 was liquidity driven. Govt was spending BORROWED money to prop up failed institutions. Given that institutions harbor the insane, it all makes sense.
ReplyDeleteIn a truly FREE market, there will be WINNERS AND LOSERS. Competition forces everyone to work harder to make a better product. Our politically correct society and minds full of liberal mush, don't like to see anyone "lose". Hence we give trophies to EVERYONE in little league soccer tournaments so that no kids feelings are hurt. These little kids grow up to become sissies.