They talk about double standard about the new credit card laws for the banks:
It is sad that people discuss the fees the banks charge tothe customers. But they fail to see the forest for the trees. These banks are robbing you everyday! When you get a loan, they create money out of thin air with the click of a mouse, and they demand interest for it, and you work the hard way and earn it to pay them back, so that they can sustain their lifestyle with usury:
Interest based economy coupled with fractional reserve banking is the cause of the inflationary boom and the deflationary crash. Deflation is built into the monetary system just like inflation is! But when inflation happens, banks run away with their profit. When deflationary crash happens, government tells you bank losses are something YOU have to pay for!!THAT is the double standard!! You and children, and your grand children and their children will pay for the life style of the USERERS for generations to come! Fools.
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